The Hidden Dangers Of Low-Speed Car Accidents In The Colony TX

The Hidden Dangers of Low-Speed Car Accidents in The Colony TX

Chiropractic The Colony TX Hidden Dangers

Did you know that a rear-end collision at just 2.5 to 5 mph can cause whiplash? Many people assume that unless their car is severely damaged, they won’t suffer an injury—but research proves otherwise. Contact The Colony TX chiropractic clinic today to learn more.

Low-Speed Crashes In The Colony TX

A major study tested this by putting healthy volunteers through controlled low-speed crashes, and the results were shocking:

  • At just 2.5 mph, nearly 30% of participants developed whiplash symptoms.
  • At 5 mph, that number jumped to 38%!
  • Symptoms included neck pain, headaches, and reduced range of motion.

Women are at higher risk due to differences in head-to-neck proportions, making their cervical spine more vulnerable to injury. Another key factor? Headrest position. If your headrest is too far back (more than four inches), your risk of long-term neck pain increases significantly.

What Is Your Injury Risk?

Surprisingly, the severity of impact doesn’t always determine injury risk. However, one major factor does—awareness of the crash. Studies found that people who didn’t see the impact coming were 15 times more likely to experience chronic whiplash symptoms six months later.

Even low-speed collisions can have lasting effects. If you’ve been in a rear-end crash, don’t ignore your symptoms. Early evaluation and treatment can help prevent long-term issues.

At Stonebridge Health, we specialize in whiplash treatment and recovery. If you’ve been in an accident, schedule a consultation today and take control of your health!


8:00am - 12:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

8:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

By Appointment Only

Saturday & Sunday

Stonebridge Chiropractic

7204 Main St Ste. 200
The Colony, TX 75056

(469) 535-3800